Saturday, March 21, 2009


Who went and waited in line at wal-mart for the dvd of twilight? Not me but LESLIE COLLEEN SASSER did for about 40 mins until they sold out. Of course, they didn't put all of them out on the shelve because we went back today and picked one up. I never read the series or saw the movie, but heard all about it. The girls at work were all caught up in it. Les read the books, saw the movie twice, and has already seen the dvd twice. I watched it with her and asked questions, it was suggested that I read the book. So if you have read,seen the movie what did you think? who was your fav and why?

1 comment:

  1. I did read all the books and saw the movie when it came out. But I haven't seen it since or reread the series so I might be a little rusty on the story line cause I read ALOT and watch too much TV and Movies.
    But I really enjoyed the books. I thought the movie did a good job following the book for the most part it did skip alot in the middle where they where getting to know each other and some of the scenes where out of order. But other than that, the screenplay stuck close to the book's storyline. I heard the next movie is going to have a different director. I'm excited to see if it's better. I thought this movie had way too many close ups. (Except for the close ups of Rob Pattinson you can never have too many of those)
    Any Who I thought the movie was ok I'm not a Twilight FREAK like some people. (see Mandi's Blog from my page)
    I love the books and I can't wait for her release of Edwards version of Twilight.
    I also enjoyed her novel The Host. AWESOME book a must read.
    Ok I've rambled enough!
