Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here is a picture of Kevin giving us a recital. Leslie has shown me how to do pictures. I'll do more when she lets use her laptop. yay for me thanks Les for sparing your precious time for me.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Best Friends

Precious little girl, Thanks for the sweet, loving essay, blog, English assignment, that you wrote about me. Can't do facebook I'm not allowed to because my daughter says I'm to old so your teacher will not get my comment. But any who, I really enjoy our head banging sessions on our way to work @ 6:20 in the morning. I'm very proud of you for overcoming the obstecals that has been put in your way so far. We have alot more hurdles to accomplish and with God we shall succeed. Thank you for being my Best Friend. I Love You. P.S. yes the tears were there and what do you want now? j/k luv me, MOM

birthday boy #2

Today, is Ben's 28th birthday. Hope you have a really super dooper day. Thanks for all the things you have helped me with in the last few years. I'm very proud of the man you have come to be. Love you whole bunces, Mom

Sunday, February 22, 2009

In Case My Mother Ever Doubts My Love For Her Part 386

There have been a few things I have done over the past few months to show my devoted love for my mother....and then a few not so loving things to even out the un-loving side.

Loving -
  • Washed dishes all summer and christmas break...(most days)
  • Picking up my room MOST TIMES without her asking
  • Burning all of her favorite songs on a CD for her to listen to
  • Did research and made a sleep classical CD for her kids at school to listen to
  • Made her a blog
  • Taught her how to use said blog
  • PLAN on teaching her how to post pictures on her blog
  • Taught self how to play and sing her favorite song on the piano
  • And recorded said song and formatted it as a ringtone for her
  • AND wrote a paper about her in english class that I am posting here for all to see

I'd have to say my mom is a pretty significant person in my life. the past 4 1/2 years it's just been me and her since my dad has passed, and all my siblings have married and started families of their own since way before then. As much as I love my mother, I would have to say she is the most psychotic person I know. I'd chalk it up there with menopause, but it's really just her only daughter making silly and careless decisions. From testing her blood pressue medicine, to having to buy new hand soap because our old handsoap smell makes me gag from getting my mouth washed out with soap so many times.

I love ragging on my mom but she is one of the most kind-hearted ppeople I know. Growing up, I remember only getting "tough love." A little whining responded with counting and getting to Two would make me back down. Or making an "ugly face" would result the apathetic "Your face is going to get stuck like that." Although my brothers and I know the tough side of mom, my nephew's know a whole different side of her as she does nothing but shower them with love and spoils them rotten. As much as my mother humiliates me in front of my friends, i realize more each time how much i act exactly like her. People also say i favor her in looks, and although I'm definantly younger looking, she's always been more beautiful. When parents at her school ask me if I'm Mrs. Sasser's daughter, I claim that i'm adopted or that she is really my sister.

The past four years have been hard, with both of us (or me) being stubborn, and in habit of hiding our feelings from eachother at first. She's always been there and supported me in almost everything i do. She's not only my mother, but she is also my best friend.


yeah, we'll talk about the unloving things in another post.

Oh. and i posted this on facebook because some grade thing and could really use some "critique" comments because that's part of my grade. So if we're not friends please add me - Leslie Colleen Sasser - and comment. I really just posted this here because i wanted my mommy and the whole world to see :) Have a good day.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I'm still waiting for leslie to show me how to do pics. I actually posted something about this topic already but a certain daughter probably deleted it i think. NO! I know she did. One day all the things she does to me are going to come back and haunt her and I'll get revenge . HA! HA! HA! LESLIE COLLEEN SASSER YOU ARE SORRY AND A BIG BRAT!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


For All You Juno Lovers:
Juno: Your shorts look especially gold today
Bleeker: Yeah, my mom uses color safe bleach
Juno: Go Carol.


I figured out how to post pictures... Mother should be proud how smart her daughter is :)

p.s. Clayton Lane is my favorite nephew if you couldnt tell...JUST KIDDING! sort of. no, I really am kidding. Kevin is working his way up there :P

p.s.s. I "re-did" (lack of a better word) this photo at picnik.com (I don't know how to do links yet) but I got the site from Leigh (again with the linking - Mom is subscribed to her blog in the sidebar titled "Leigh")

oh. p.p.s.s. this is Leslie :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Birthday Boy

HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN ! Hope it is a happy one. Just think your almost over the first hill. I texted stephen at 7:45 this a.m. to wish him a happy b-day even though he's officially not 29 till 11:30a.m. but oh well he got the message. My date with Kevin was so much fun. First he , Leslie and I fixed dinner. It was most delicious, we are good cooks together. While i cleaned up he played with the bowls, and spatulas making some beautiful music. He then got a bath and went to watch Dog Hotel with leslie on her laptop they were so cute together, he also was playing on her cell phone. then his dad called said not to let him go to sleep so we went and sat at the table, checked out all my goodies i got at work today. And leslie put a red ribbon in his hair. They are so silly. We had lots -lots of fun.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


O.K. I can't hold it in any longer, I have a Valentines date . He is a Very handsome young man. Younger than me, Dark hair. big brown eyes, He's to die for. It's set for friday instead of saturday, thats the only time he could get away from his mommy & daddy. lol Yes you have guessed right Kevin is coming for a visit while his daddy takes his sweetheart on a well deserved night out on the town. Can't hardly wait til tomorrow. I'll let you know how our evening goes later.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Jacob's visit

Jacob was feeling better hadn't ran any fever for 2 days. So he got to come play at g-mama's. Amy had a meeting at church sat. called to see if he could come over. Thats a dumb question heck yea he can. But i kinda got in trouble, he was to drink his bottle but he refused no matter what I tried, so Leslie gave him a cracker. Thought he would just play with it more than eat it. And Amy came back saw the cracker, he's not on regular food. She wasn't really mad. One good thing he did drink his juice bottle. Guess the cracker made him thirsty. But still enjoyed my Jake visit. Then I bleached the house, for the next little boy who calls to come to g-mama's. I just love those 2 little boys and the big young man.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, no jury duty, kinda sad , really wanted to serve. Dtv has been postponed til June apparently people couldn't or wouldn't get their coupons or stores were out of boxes, I don,t believe that hog wash. I called for mine and got within the month went to 3 stores all had them so whats the big deal people only I have trouble with channel 8. Please keep all 3 of my grandsons in prayer---Kevin was really sick last week , trips to E.R. and urgent care. Ben said he is back to his old self. Busy, Busy, Busy. Jacob was also in E.R. this week, diagnosed with RSV doing a little better. Lane is not sick lets just hope he doesn't get that way. Also, pray for their moms & dads ----so they will stay healthy. Lane's school had a choir program last night it was really awesome, They sang patriotic songs the last one was the best, it was dedicated to the veterns. hte song they sang was "Thank A Vet" Kudos to Mrs. Youngblood for a great job.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I have Jury Duty tomorrow. Kinda, excited about it. If I get chosen really hope its a real cool one. I'll keep you posted on what comes of it. And Leslie as of right now cable is out of the question. That word is not in my vocabulary. lol

Sunday, February 1, 2009

DTV - Feb.17?

Let's talk dtv converters: I know this is supposed to be a good thing but for me it's not. I have 2 converters, 1 magnavox and 1 zenith. my problem is neither one can get channel 8 in the living room. Just frustrated cause thats the station most of my fav shows are on. Called magnavox they told me to wait till the 17, If it dosen't work its probably a bad box. I don't think so cause no 2 different boxes could have the same problem. Besides that i put the Zenith in my room and 8 comes in great. Yes, i know what your saying watch it in the room. NO! I'll fall asleep. Even though I'll wake up 6-8 times a night. Sometimes i go back to sleep, alot times its a few hours later.(another subject) I've thrown my hands up in the air and I'm emailing channel 8 to hear their story on what to do or I'll get Les to do my dirty work, She is much better at getting my frustration put in words. Any other ideas let me know at this point I'm all game.