Friday, February 6, 2009

Well, no jury duty, kinda sad , really wanted to serve. Dtv has been postponed til June apparently people couldn't or wouldn't get their coupons or stores were out of boxes, I don,t believe that hog wash. I called for mine and got within the month went to 3 stores all had them so whats the big deal people only I have trouble with channel 8. Please keep all 3 of my grandsons in prayer---Kevin was really sick last week , trips to E.R. and urgent care. Ben said he is back to his old self. Busy, Busy, Busy. Jacob was also in E.R. this week, diagnosed with RSV doing a little better. Lane is not sick lets just hope he doesn't get that way. Also, pray for their moms & dads ----so they will stay healthy. Lane's school had a choir program last night it was really awesome, They sang patriotic songs the last one was the best, it was dedicated to the veterns. hte song they sang was "Thank A Vet" Kudos to Mrs. Youngblood for a great job.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that stuff must be going around everywhere. I use to full time Nanny for a Doctor couple here and now I'm just their "on call" sitter. I had Their 8 month old twins all week cause they had RSV. And their 5 yr old had strep.
    Peyton and I went to the Dr. today since we weren't feeling well and he has bronchitis and I've got a sinus infection. It seems like every bodies got something.
    I hope your grandbabies get better!
