Friday, January 2, 2009

Hope everyone had a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Had to work on the 31st. We were down so I was very bored. Looked for different things to do. I am very lucky to have a boss that will let us stay the whole day even if there isn't enough kids there. Then went partying, (ha ha) Robert and Donalyn always have a dinner, games, lots of friends over to welcome in the New Year.Put it this way bingo was the hit can you say old people. Every one there was 60 or over except me. I need to find younger friends. Have you ever noticed that all the sale ads in Jan focus on organization and getting fit. How many of you out there make resolutions on exercising and losing weight and keep them, not attempt to But are SUCCESSFUL? Guess I'll go for now good luck with your resolutions.


  1. I think your resolution should be to work on your punctuation.

    You love me :)

  2. Hey Gail...thanks for the comment.

  3. Gail, if Leslie isn't available to help you learn your way around blogger just shoot me an email and we can get in touch. I built my own background and everything.

    It's great seeing you guys again!
