Thursday, January 29, 2009


Tonight I was going to post, but some how I screwed up. Could not get on my blog, so Leslie got home from school ,told her what happened and what did I hear? A lecture about not blogging. And I was going to blog about her. FORGET THAT IDEA! Here is a better subject! Kevin William Sasser came over to play last night. We had so much fun. He really likes to play on aunt LeeLee's piano and We talked to each other on the cell phone. Just love that little man ! He is always going , never stops! wish I had some of his energy. We had pretty much all his toys out playing. But one good thing about this little guy, he helps you pick them all up. Thanks Ben and Candi for coming over and giving me an awesome grandson. Love you guys. And don't even say it Les, he is not my favorite. I love the other two, Lane and Jacob, just as much.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you posting!
    We (my 4 sibling) tease my Mom about having a favorite grandbaby. It's just kind of fun watching ya'll get all defesive about it. So what if ya'll do or don't, just enjoy the time you have with each and everyone. My son has a web cam relationship with his Momo (my Mom). I wish we got to visit Tx more.
    Keep up the posting!
