Sunday, January 25, 2009


To: Gail Annette Sasser
From: Leslie Colleen Sasser

Why did you beg me to make a blog for you and teach you how to use it practically forever, yet you never use it?

You tell me you have nothing to say but I have seen some of the useless stuff people have put on here, and I know you have read them too..Yet we all still read them. It's seriously a guilty pleasure.

You can blog about the problems we have with the digital converter box and never getting channel 8 anymore and you're so upset over it, and you talk about it practically every day, because now you can't watch the news...because the 5 other regular TV stations doesn't have the news...

Or you can blog about tonight, when you were watching a movie, and I kept stirring my hot chocolate, banging the spoon against the glass, causing you to rewind and stop your movie because i was making so much rackit (racket?) you missed some words they said (now you know how I feel when a good song comes on the radio and you like talking during the one song they don't play over and over again)

You can even blog about the word rackit/racket might not be a word...yet you use it alot.

You can also blog about the time I found the jury duty slip in the mailbox, thinking it was for me and got all excited because I've never had jury duty before....and it was really for you...

Or blog about the other day when I showed you what emo kids look like, and you spent the whole day pointing them out to me.

Or about how your initials spell G.A.S.....that will ALWAYS be funny.

See, so many options and possibilities out there. Just remember to use correct grammer. Commas are your friend. :)

I Love You.

(P.S. If you don't blog for another week, I'm leaving embarassing comments on everone's blog. Even to strange men in India saying "Hey Sexy..." ....they may even respond back...)

(P.S.S. Shout out to LaSha and Sarah Sullivan-Married-Name for being mom's first followers!! yay! I was more excited than she was :) haha)


  1. Ok so I agree with Leslie, Gail, you can post about anything. For heavens sake I think my last post was about hating snow. I always try to post something at least once a week. Even if it's the color of your toe nail polish. LOL
    On a second note Leslie YOU have got to start your own blog you are too funny, and a very talented writer. You come across the page very well!
    Hope to see more from both of you in the future!

  2. I am trying?! It's been a few days for me as well. I do love to see what all you guys are up to though. We miss y'all! How are you doing Gail?
